Affective Arrangements and Violence in Latin America
Reindert Dhondt, Silvana Mandolessi, Martín Zícari (eds.).
Reindert Dhondt, Silvana Mandolessi, Martín Zícari (eds.).
The issue explores the ways in which social practices and aesthetic objects mobilize affective dispositions and politics, focusing specifically on the Latin American region. The articles analyze the interplay of multiple bodies - both individual and social, human and non-human, natural and cultural, textual and visual - and examine how affects are mobilized in a variety of ways and through different media. By examining the mobilization of affects as relational, social, and situated dynamics, the authors aim to shed light on the particular situatedness of Latin America.
The articles in this issue focus on how specific aesthetic modes, such as melodrama or detachment, trigger affective intensities between the work of art and the reader/viewer, and how these affects can subsequently enhance critical thought and transformative political agency. Agency is not seen as an intentional or rational capacity, but rather as a force that is distributed across multiple bodies and can be disseminated in different degrees.
2023 / Special Issue, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies

Afectos y violencias en la cultura latinoamericana.
Reindert Dhondt, Silvana Mandolessi, Martín Zícari (eds.).
Este volumen presenta un análisis de la relación entre violencia y afecto en la cultura latinoamericana. Desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, las contribuciones que lo integran abordan un amplio espectro de producciones culturales, incluyendo literatura, cine, fotografías, instalaciones y performances. El volumen ofrece un panorama de la trayectoria y el impacto del giro afectivo en la región, interrogando la especificidad que adquiere la teoría afectiva en América Latina, al tiempo que explora las mutaciones del concepto de violencia en el panorama contemporáneo. El potencial político de los afectos feos, la efectividad afectiva de las obras de arte para movilizar al espectador, la exploración de posiciones afectivas incómodas o el afecto como forma desterritorializada en el cine contemporáneo son algunas de las intersecciones entre afectos y violencias que el libro indaga.
Reindert Dhondt, Silvana Mandolessi, Martín Zícari (eds.).
Este volumen presenta un análisis de la relación entre violencia y afecto en la cultura latinoamericana. Desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, las contribuciones que lo integran abordan un amplio espectro de producciones culturales, incluyendo literatura, cine, fotografías, instalaciones y performances. El volumen ofrece un panorama de la trayectoria y el impacto del giro afectivo en la región, interrogando la especificidad que adquiere la teoría afectiva en América Latina, al tiempo que explora las mutaciones del concepto de violencia en el panorama contemporáneo. El potencial político de los afectos feos, la efectividad afectiva de las obras de arte para movilizar al espectador, la exploración de posiciones afectivas incómodas o el afecto como forma desterritorializada en el cine contemporáneo son algunas de las intersecciones entre afectos y violencias que el libro indaga.
2023 / Book, Iberoamericana/Vervuert

‘The Flavour is Us’ - Four questions to Steven Cohen
In the run up for the much-anticipated Belgian premiere of Boudoir by Steven Cohen, we had the chance to talk with the South-African legend about his creative process and inspirations.
In the run up for the much-anticipated Belgian premiere of Boudoir by Steven Cohen, we had the chance to talk with the South-African legend about his creative process and inspirations.
2023 / Chronique, Halles de Schaerbeek

Breaking point
I'm trying unsuccessfully to write some fiction about the sleepless nights I'm having these last few days. I can't write more than 3 lines. The visceral part of the experience doesn't let me go with fictional escapes, what is at stake is the body, the men which I am becoming. Imagination, which once once defined me and my writing is showing its limits, it scares me. The tiredness of several nights of not sleeping stalks me.
I'm trying unsuccessfully to write some fiction about the sleepless nights I'm having these last few days. I can't write more than 3 lines. The visceral part of the experience doesn't let me go with fictional escapes, what is at stake is the body, the men which I am becoming. Imagination, which once once defined me and my writing is showing its limits, it scares me. The tiredness of several nights of not sleeping stalks me.
2022 / Chronique, Halles de Schaerbeek

Forest Gathering
Forest Gathering, a little druggy-party-text en français and in English I wrote for Halles De Schaerbeek
"While I was dancing, I saw that M. had taken off his pants and was dancing naked. The Dutch girl, who had been quiet until that moment, took out a small bag and told me “I don't have much, but do you want some?” and the bag circulated"
2022 / Chronique, Halles de Schaerbeek