Martín Zícari

Brussels-Buenos Aires

Writer / Researcher /
Performance arts producer


Martín Zícari

Brussels-Buenos Aires

Writer and researcher

fiction, poetry, research


Espacios Públicos: Lagrono

The discussion about public space has taken, luckily for all, special relevance in recent times. In this multimedia series, five authors in the same number of cities will write about their personal relationship with this space, understood as everyday places and practices. In addition, they have captured on video what has caught their attention, thus offering a brief visual tour of those spaces.

In the second installment of the series, the young Argentine author Martín Zícari recounts a field day on the grounds of "Lagrono", the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires.

Language: Spanish

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2015 / Revista Letras Libres, Mexico